Something I can´t hold on..

I am here for you, if there is anything you need.
You have done so much for me, it means a lot.
No one else has ever bothered as you,
I hope you understand how grateful I am to see you every day.
You are such a wonderful friend, even though we do not say so much,
have never had such a friend as you, you are so helpful.
You mean so much to me, even though we are just friends!
My tears fall inside and I get warm when I think of you,
I do not know what to say but I recognize myself as much with you,
'm so glad I met you and atleast tried to be friends. We have the same taste in music!
You seem to really care about what others feel, and I feel so confident of that.
I feel so happy when you sit next to me, I really wish I could say anything!
When you are not there, so everything feels very empty, even though I have other friends around me ..


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